Acerca de
“¡Entrenador de salud mental que ofrece atención empática y compasiva para ayudarlo a superar los desafíos de la vida!”
Mi nombre es Ciana . Nativo de Ohio ( ¡Go Bucks! ), pero actualmente prosperando en el gran Texas. Consejero autorizado sobre abuso de sustancias (LCDC), primavera de 2025 . Quiero darles la bienvenida a un refugio seguro para la curación. Me apasiona profundamente brindar un entorno seguro y de apoyo para las personas que buscan restablecer el equilibrio, la paz interior y el crecimiento personal.
El arte de transformar nuestro poder requiere que sintonicemos el ritmo de nuestro espíritu a través de nuestras sensaciones físicas, así como la intrincada interacción de la mente y el cuerpo a través del enfoque del comportamiento a través de la Inteligencia Emocional.
En un mundo lleno de ruido constante, Entiendo la importancia de ser escuchado y validado. Por eso es crucial hacer una pausa y escuchar verdaderamente las diferentes dimensiones de nuestra existencia y me dedico a fomentar modalidades de orientación para su bienestar mental, emocional y espiritual.
Meet Our Team!

Founder, Emotional Intelligence Coach, LCDC Candidate
Ciana - Coach C.
Ciana is the visionary behind Goal Heights. Her passion for emotional intelligence drives her commitment to helping individuals navigate life's challenges with resilience and self-awareness. Going beyond traditional coaching-she empowers women to harness the power of their emotions, fostering a growth mindset.

NLP Coach
Toma brings a refreshing and transformative approach to coaching at Goal Heights. With her specialized skills in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Toma is dedicated to helping clients unlock their full potential, break through mental barriers, and achieve their goals with clarity and confidence. Her unique coaching style is not just about guidance—it's about empowering you to reshape your mindset and create lasting change.
What Our Clients Say...
David H.
"The Trigger e-workbook and its trigger wheel exercise were eye-opening. It gave me a new perspective on managing my triggers and has been an essential part of my mental health journey."
Miss Tia
"I never woulda imagined someone with my attitude could eva get rid of the trauma I went through as a kid BUT Coach C. changed my mindset all the way around and helped me through all my dark ish. Sis is a god send!"
Sarah-Kay T.
"The Analysis Paralysis workbook was incredibly insightful. It helped me break free from indecision and start taking action. Plus all of the free e-books are also valuable resources that I highly appreciate."